The Lightest Form of Flogging Podcast

10: Too Little Milk


Too Little Milk

Episode 10 on Friday, Jun 08, 2018

You're not good at your job and everyone suspects it. It's only a matter of time until people in your life really notice how bad you are at everything and abandon you one by one.

If you've ever thought like this, you'll identify with our main topic, which is imposter syndrome or fear of incompetence—a fear which David has been realizing he's had most of his life. Jim grills him on the subject for your personal enjoyment.

Our intro is a surprise, so we can't tell you about it, because then you won't be surprised. Frankly the element of surprise is all this show ever had going for it anyway.

As I write these notes, I can't think of any mentioned links so go Google them for yourself. We're no help.