The Lightest Form of Flogging Podcast

28: The Plot Thinnens


The Plot Thinnens

Episode 28 on Saturday, Jan 26, 2019

If you think the Lightest Form of Flogging has changed, that it’s gotten worse, that it used to be about the music, you’d be correct. It’s never been about the music, but this episode is all about the music. So we’ve got that going for us.

First, Jim plays a game with David like a cat with a mouse in a bath. Then David talks about his perceived assaults on New Calvinists and we try to find a way forward with fewer crusades. Lastly, we finally get into our main topic: the song(s) that shaped Jim the most early in his Christian walk. Throughout this meandering discussion, we talk about our favorite bands, our least favorite bands, and about the emotional effect that music has on us.

Mentioned Links

Flood by Jars of Clay - Song

Gravity by Sean MacDonald - Song

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