The Lightest Form of Flogging Podcast

13: Benign Violation


Benign Violation

Episode 13 on Friday, Jun 29, 2018

In this episode, Jim kicks things off by trying to get David to do something he’s not very good at: laugh. They also spend some time talking about Jim’s phone-carrying habits, some followup items, and reading our first international iTunes review.

Our main topic is Jim’s desire to be a lone ranger and how his good cowboy daddy issues may have affected that. During this discussion we talk a lot about our introverted tendencies and inability to not tell jokes in large groups of people.

Mentioned Links

David’s blog post on the regulative Principle

Sola Scriptura and the Regulative Principle of Worship (PDF) Book by Brian Schwertley

The Necessity of Reforming the Church Book by John Calvin

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